Flooring: A Room By Room Guide

With plenty of flooring options being available, it can sometimes be hard picking the perfect choice for each room!  The floors in your home take a beating, especially if you come from a busy family household. With shoes piling up everywhere, lots of foot traffic and sometimes paws pattering about the place, your poor floor is going to have to…

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Professional Etiquette: Basics to Dress Appropriately At Workplace

Anyone who’s working knows the struggle of dressing appropriately for the workplace. Be it business formals, business casuals, or even outfits that require PPE for workers, it’s a hectic task to look for suitable outfits. You want to choose something that is comfortable and keeps you safe, and if possible, makes you look professional. That seems like a lot for…

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Skin Care Routines for People With Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes skin cells to reproduce too quickly, causing painful, itchy and inflamed scales on the skin.  Treating your psoriasis is a very important part of managing your condition. Treatment options include topical and oral medications, relaxation techniques and phototherapy treatment. Phototherapy treatment is one of the most exciting and advanced treatments on the market…

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Making Your New York Trip as Glamorous as Possible

New York is a fantastic city, unlike any other. Manhattan - the heart of the Big Apple - is as incredible as it is beautiful. As a visitor, you shouldn't settle for any less in your travels. There are many ways to experience New York, ranging from the rough and tumble adventures of a couch surfer to the pomp and…

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